Series ST21 Biomechanical Spine Test System

benchST21 Biomechanical Spine Test SystemBreakthroughs in modern spine research and the development of new therapeutic and curative techniques and technologies require an efficient and biomechanically accurate means of obtaining reliable test data.To meet this challenge, Applied Test Systems (ATS) has developed the ST21 and the ST21-TT Biomechanical Spine Test System, capable of performing flexion/extension, lateral bending, and torsion testing of cadaveric spine specimens in physiological loading conditions that simulate natural movement of the human spine through a full range of motion.The ST21 has been developed in close cooperation with major U.S. research universities to provide an improved testing setup that offers unhindered specimen access and unconstrained movements, resulting in superior test data and more reliable testing over a wider range of specimens, for solid results you and your team can depend on.